Case Converter

An Easy Way to Change Capital Letters to Small Letters and Title Case


Have you ever typed a paper, made a few mistakes with capitalization, and hoped you wouldn't have to spend too much time fixing it? It happens a lot, and if you are using a normal word processing programme, your mistakes will be fixed as you type. However, these programmes only fix grammatical mistakes. If you need to capitalise an entire section, you will have to do it by hand. It takes time to do that. You can easily change the case of your words, though, if you use an online tool like ours. You just need to copy and paste your text and then choose the case you want it to be in.

Our site has a number of SEO tools, including the Change Uppercase to Lowercase Tool. It is a free text converter that can take both capital and small letters as input and change them into the desired case.

The Change Title Case Converter Tool has several sub-tools, which we will talk about below.
Use this tool to easily change the case of any text.

Lastly, one of the free tools you can use on is the Change Title Capitalization Converter Tool. The tool changes case for you and makes sure you don't lose any of the information you've worked hard on. If there is a "case error" in the text that was made, all you have to do to fix it is copy the text into the tool's input area and use the right tool.

The Change Small Text Converter Tool makes it easier to change the case of letters than traditional word processors, whose auto-correct feature can miss some mistakes in a text.

Change the case of the text to sentence case

The Sentence case text tool only capitalises the first letter of the first word (or group of words) and proper names that you type into the text area.

Sentence case, also called "down style" or "reference style," is used for titles, headings, and news stories in newspapers in the United States and the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom, sentence cases are used a lot in lists, bibliographies, reference lists, and other types of writings.

This can be done with any word processor, but you can use this tool to check for grammar mistakes before sending your work to your editor.

How to use the sentence case tool:

    Copy the text from your word processor that you want to change.
    Open once you've copied the text.
    Paste the words you just copied into the space on the screen for text:
    Click the "Sentence case" button.
    You should get the results in a few seconds:

Tool to Change Cases

Every uppercase letter you type into the text area is changed to a lowercase letter by the lower case text tool.

Except for the first letter of words that start sentences and proper names, all letters in words are usually written in lower case. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as eBay, JetBlue, iMac, etc., where the spelling isn't the same as in other words.

How to change uppercase to lowercase:

    Copy the text from your word processor that you want to change.
    Open once you've copied the text.
    Paste the words you just copied into the space on the screen for text:
    Click the "lower case" button.
    You should get the results in a few seconds:

Change letters from lowercase to uppercase:

The UPPER CASE text tool changes all the lowercase letters you type into the text area into capital letters.

Upper case letters, also known as "ALL CAPS," are used to emphasise words or sentences, such as in titles on book covers, ads to highlight a message, newspaper headlines, and plaques on buildings. In writings, they also stand for acronyms.

How to change to capital letters:

    Copy the text from your word processor that you want to change.
    Open once you've copied the text.
    Paste the words you just copied into the space on the screen for text:
    Click the "UPPER CASE" button.
    You should get the results in a few seconds:

Change the size of capital letters and small letters

The Capitalise Word Text tool will change all of the lowercase letters in the first letter of every word in the line to uppercase letters.

Capitalised words, or "Title Cases" as they are sometimes called, are often used as titles in writings where every word in the sentence starts with a capital letter except for articles, conjunctions, and prepositions.

Title cases are often used for the names of books, plays, and films, but they are rarely used for the names of pieces. This difference is mostly a style thing. Choose the type of headline you want to use before you start writing. This is, of course, if you aren't working under strict rules and aren't given a specific style for your headline.

How to capitalise the word tool:

    Copy the text from your word processor that you want to change.
    Open once you've copied the text.
    Paste the words you just copied into the space on the screen for text:
    Click the "Capitalise Word" button.
    You should get the results in a few seconds:

Change to the other case

All of the letters you type into the tool will be changed into a mix of upper case and lower case letters, with the first letter always being in upper case.

Alternate case letters are a certain way to write on the Internet. They can also be used to highlight text or parts of papers.

Change the case from text to alternate:

    Copy the text from your word processor that you want to change.
    Open once you've copied the text.
    Paste the words you just copied into the space on the screen for text:
    Click the "aLtErNaTe cAsE" button.
    You should get the results in a few seconds:


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